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Visit Udohotma Station in the Arfak Mountains
12 December 2022 - by Admin

Udohotma is the name of the preparatory village. Located in the administrative area of Sururey District, Arfak Mountains District. Udohotma is located at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level, in one of the valleys on the shores of Lake Anggi Giji. Between two neighboring villages, namely Kampung Kobrey and Kampung Kopo.


To reach Udohotma from Manokwari, you must follow the part of the road that divides the mountains and valleys. In some sections it is still dirt with gravel but most of it has been asphalted. The route passes through a steep, steep, misty but beautiful plateau stretch before arriving at the outskirts of Lake Anggi Giji.


From Manokwari, it takes a 4-hour road trip with around 100 kilometers using a four-wheeled vehicle with double axle technology, a type of Hilux and Triton. Villagers call it a "ranger car".


In Udohotma, Bentara Papua built a station that is expected to facilitate the creation of a process of social, economic, and ecological change in a better direction where the surrounding community is the key actor.


History of Udohotma Station

Bentara Papua since 2017 has started initial communication with villagers in Bamaha. This communication is carried out as part of the vision of sustainable natural (organic) agriculture based on village potential. Mainly for vegetable crops such as potatoes, cabbage, beans, and carbohydrate sources such as batatas and taro. Along with this, we also mapped the potential of coffee spread across the landscape of the Arfak Mountains.


In Bamaha or Pamaha in the term of village residents, at first, the Bentara Papua field staff occupied a house that daily served as the village office. Because it is a citizen service center, this house is always crowded. So that it cannot be developed into a demonstration garden of a sustainable natural farming plan.


Towards the end of 2018, Bentara Papua's thoughts developed to create a place where staff working at the village level could apply a more focused "Live-in" approach. That way, you can understand the pulse of everyday life of the villagers. Another positive side is that Bentara Papua staff also have space to work on gardens which can be examples of sustainable natural farming practices.


Besides these considerations, the planned station is a home for residents to gather and study together. Stations can function according to the interests of the residents, such as for church youth meetings, meetings with the district government, and so on.


Thus, the existence of the station can facilitate direct organizing work and integrate with the daily life of the villagers. The station is integrated into the socio-cultural space of the village community around Lake Anggi Giji.



The decision to establish the Udohotma station by Bentara Papua was made after going through a careful multi-aspect assessment. Socially, Bentara Papua asks for opinions from village elders and traditional leaders when determining locations that do not have land conflicts between families.


Then carry out an assessment of land suitability and forest cover level; prerequisites supporting agricultural practices. Finally, consider the strategic location. The selected location is a location that is located on the edge of the main road so that it can be seen directly by residents who cross it.


From this assessment, the hamlet that met the most requirements was Udohotma. The area is located on land belonging to the extended family of Mr. Agustinus Inden, one of the village elders. The location has an area of 3000 square meters.


“It was Barto who told me, Father, to give the land so that the barrels would make a new station to plant crops. Let the people see an example," recalled Father Augustine Inden.


Barto is his son who is also a graduate of the Manokwari Agricultural Development Polytechnic (POLBANGTAN). Mr. Agus allows as long as it adds benefits to the village community.


Bentara Papua then made an agreement which became the basis of the bond for the establishment of the station. The main points of agreement are that the Udohotma station will work to empower village residents who live on the outskirts of the Anggi Giji and Anggi Gida lakes, especially in agricultural activities.


This station will also be used as a center for the activities of villagers on the outskirts of two lakes, such as a meeting place and shelter for arriving guests, not just a location for agricultural experiments. As long as it corresponds to the needs or interests of the villagers.


Lastly, the Udohotma station works to facilitate capacity building for young farmers who come from villages on the outskirts of the two lakes. These capacities relate to agriculture and entrepreneurship.


The construction of the station was carried out together with the villagers. Starting from preparing the land to preparing materials in the form of fruit wood, sand, and boards. While the head builder was brought in by Bentara Papua. The whole development process took about 5 months.


Udohotma Station, Home of Learning and Networking

After the physical building of the station was built, Bentara Papua began developing demonstration plots (demplot) of food crops, vegetables, and coffee in his yard. The types of food crops are taro and potatoes, the vegetables are carrots, Dutch eggplant, and spring onions.


This demonstration plot is basically a field laboratory that facilitates the process of learning together in sustainable garden management. Another form of field school.


Apart from agricultural activities, this station began to function itself as a learning house. Mainly in the capacity development needs of the younger generation from villages on the outskirts of Lake Anggi.


As on July 18, 2022, Bentara Papua and cross-village youth representatives held a learning activity known as Merdesa Village School (SEKAM). SEKAM with the theme “Village-Based and Sustainable Natural Resource Management”.


In principle, SEKAM is a learning process with an adult philosophy (andragogy). Education like this by making experiential dialogue between participants from each village on certain themes that are appropriate to their daily lives. Dialogue that reflects the understanding of living space and its problems.

Participants at Sekolah Kampung Merdesa (SEKAM) at Udohotma Station Participants at Merdesa Village School (SEKAM) at Udohotma Station


The activity which lasted for 10 days involved young people from Kobrey, Bamaha, Kostera, Tomstera, Kopo, Tridaga and Udohotma. Overall attended by 18 people with women representing as many as 7 people.


Participants discussed topics such as android-based mapping, land suitability analysis, sustainable plant propagation, community organizing and critical awareness.


At night, the station is a gathering place for residents, especially those living in Udohotma. Apart from visiting to charge their flashlights and phones, they often eat together and chat like a family.


Not infrequently among those who come are children. The station also provides some children's reading for them.

Anak-anak Udohotma sedang membaca di stasiun Bentara Papua Anak-anak Udohotma sedang membaca di stasiun Bentara Papua

Udohotma Station is supposed to develop into a home that cares for and fulfills shared hopes. In it, together with the indigenous people of the Arfak Mountains, we are working to achieve a vision of a more sustainable, prosperous, and civilized life.

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Rumah Bentara Papua
Jalan Asrama Jayapura, Manggoapi Dalam, Angkasa Mulyono-Amban Manokwari - Papua Barat Indonesia, 98314

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