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04 November 2024 - by Admin

Papuan native people are known to utilize the forest products they have in their daily lives, both as clothing, food, hunting or war tools, medicines (chemicals), spices and fiber-producing materials and other complementary materials in various traditional ceremonial activities and socio-religious activities that can be consumed directly. Mantangan (Merremia Peltata) is one of the woody lianas that is almost similar to sweet potato plants. Mantangan has wide, heart-shaped leaves, releases white fluid when the stem is injured, is hairless, and grows climbing/creeping up to a height of 20 M.


In the Tehit Tribe who inhabit the Knasaimos customary area, South Sorong, the indigenous people call it Dlimit, this plant itself has parts consisting of roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruit. Who would have thought, almost every part of this one plant has properties and is extraordinary to help cure diseases suffered or experienced by someone. Agustinus Woloin, one of the traditional figures of Knasaimos who comes from Mlaswat Village, is very knowledgeable about the types of plants that are used as traditional medicine. Mr. Woloin said that the customary forest area in Knasaimos is his warehouse. What is available in the forest, be it rope, leaves, roots, stems, water, even soil, is medicine that has been provided by the Creator to fulfill this life, "Not only food, but medicines are also available in this forest," he said.


The Dlimit plant has long been used by the local Tehit Tribe to treat several diseases suffered by them, such as the use of Dlimit leaves which are usually used for mothers (after giving birth) and babies, the leaves that are burned on fire will be attached to the stomach of the mother and baby, the efficacy is to dry the baby's navel and the mother's stomach which is still often in pain after giving birth. The leaves used are usually not too young and not too old. While explaining the benefits of Dlimit leaves, Tono or Mr. Agus took a Dlimit leaf that was not far from the front of the cooperative where we were telling stories and practicing the method use it. "It's easy, just put it on your stomach and let it wilt and then replace it with new leaves". This middle-aged man explained. According to Tono Woloin, he knows how to use this traditional medicine because he saw firsthand how his parents used Dlimit leaves. He also added that the benefits of Dlimit leaves for breastfeeding mothers are that if a breastfeeding mother experiences problems with her breast milk (cannot produce breast milk), she can boil these leaves and consume them. Tono said, "Anyone can use these leaves, there are no prohibitions". There are no prohibitions for women or mothers who use these leaves during childbirth and breastfeeding. The stem of Dlimit also produces water and sap if it is injured or divided into two parts. The water from the stem of this plant can be drunk directly. The characteristics of the water color are not clear like drinking water in general but have a milky white color. "The water is good for curing coughs and runny noses", he explained. Meanwhile, the sap can be used as a natural ointment if someone is hit by a sharp tool or object that causes a wound. We only need to apply the sap to the new wound. "In the Moi and Maybrat lands, they also know plants like this, but they are called differently," said the man from Mlaswat Village.

Quoted from the journal of the Biology Department, FMIPA, Papua State University, Manokwari, West Papua, similar plants are also used by the Maybrat Tribe with the local name Kafu. The parts used are the sap and leaves to apply it, the cut stem releases sap and then the sap is drunk until it runs out, its properties as an antidote to snake venom. While the leaves are used to treat old wounds. The leaves are taken in sufficient quantities, crushed and then applied to the wound. In addition to having the potential to be used as traditional medicine, the Mantangan or Dlimit plant also has the potential to grow very quickly, this is because the Dlimit plant is included in the invasive plant type. Invasive plants are types of plants that can grow rapidly in the environment where they grow, causing disruption to the balance of the original ecosystem of plants around them and the Mantangan or Dlimit plant is able to dominate new habitats, as a result the plants around it die because they cannot compete with the Dlimit plant.

Traditional medicine knowledge, according to Tono Woloin, is increasingly being lost among today's village youth, with his head bowed he said there are several factors that are factors in the severance of information transfer to the current generation. First, the lack of sharing stories and experiences from parents to children within the family (each family member has their own busyness). Second, the indifferent attitude of young people as the next generation towards medicinal plants who prefer to play with their cellphones rather than go into the forest. "I used to come home from school and see my parents were not at home, so I immediately looked for them in the hamlet. I stayed until the afternoon before going home with my parents," he explained. He said that this habit is very different from the habits of young people today, who prefer to spend time playing with cellphones and driving. (*)

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