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There is a Large Gap between Indonesian NDC Targets and Supporting Funds
24 April 2019 - by Admin

Wahyu: This is a big problem for this country. Unfortunately the Bappenas people have left, even though one of the keys is there.

Jakarta- Funding for climate change from the forestry sector is considered to have a very large gap with the targets carried. This needs attention from the Central Government, specifically the elected President of the Republic of Indonesia and the relevant Ministries.

This was revealed in the presentation of the Director of Sectoral and Regional Resource Mobilization at the Directorate General of Climate Change Control, Dr. Drs. Wahyu Marjaka, M.Eng, in the Stakeholder Strategic meeting: Strengthening Social Forestry Contribution to Support the Achievement of Indonesia's NDC Targets, at Century Park Hotel Jakarta, Tuesday (04/23/2019).

"The funds needed to meet the NDC 2030 target from the forestry sector are 5.557 Billion USD. While the realization of funds per year is not appropriate. Just look at the funds received in 2015-2016 amounting to 16.63 Million USD. "The average annual rate is 16 Million USD? It's an incredible gap, just imagine Billion and Million," said Wahyu.

Likewise with funding support for Social Forestry from 2010-2017. The trend is not going up, but actually going down. This is very sad. How do we want to achieve the target, if there is no support? "This is a big problem for this country. Unfortunately the Bappenas people have left, even though one of the keys is there (Bappenas), "said the doctor who graduated from the Tokyo Institute of Technology.

He continued, this funding gap must be ganged up together. "Not only us, which is only a small unit from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry that thinks of finding funding sources. But it must be considered nationally. If there is no support, pessimism will appear; "I don't have to think about carbon stock, just thinking about carbon is for stomach business," he said.

Likewise with funding sources derived from Grants and CSR. Many Grants are misdirected, while CSR funds are like firefighters. There was a problem before the funds were liquid. "The two funding sources (Grants and CSR) should be stronger and structured to support funding in the forestry sector," Wahyu said. (Ab)

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