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The West Papua Regional Organizations program is expected to reduce the impact of Climate Change
16 May 2019 - by Admin

"From  training and workshops Green Budget Planning Tagging"

Manokwari, - Head of the Regional Development Planning Agency (Bappeda) of West Papua Province, advised the training participants that the Green Budget Planning Tagging of Regional Organizations (OPD) can ensure that their programs and activities are able to realize a sustainable West Papua Indonesian welfare."Hopefully the knowledge gained in this training can facilitate the OPD to develop an activity program that can reduce Indonesia's vulnerability to the effects of climate change," said Head of West Papua Province Bappeda, Dance Sangkek, SH, MM, represented by Head of Development and Community, Nikolas Saiduy , SH, MM, at the closing of the Green Budget Planning Tagging Workshop and Training in Manokwari, Thursday (05/16/2019).Dance also said, with the signing of the green budget, it is expected that budget allocations, programs and planned activities can be targeted, more effective and efficient in the effort to achieve performance indicators that support the context of sustainable development goals.It was explained, the Green Budgeting Workshop towards the realization of the ecology-based provincial budget transfer has significance in efforts to encourage the synergy of development policies in West Papua Province and with national development policies, especially since the launch of West Papua Province as a Sustainable Province that prioritizes environmental and natural sustainability in all the development process.The Green Budget Workshop and Training Workshop was guided by Budhi Setiawan from the Center for Climate Change Financing Policy and Multilateral Fiscal Policy Agency of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, facilitated by West Papua Bappeda, the WWF Indonesia Papua Program and The Asia Foundation.

The Bentara Papua representative along with a number of Local CSOs in Manokwari for three days (14-16 May 2019), participated in the Workshop on Green Budget Planning Tagging to accompany a number of representatives of the Regional Devices Organization (OPD) in the scope of the Government of West Papua Province.

Just to note, that the Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of Finance has compiled a Green Development Planning and Budgeting Strategy. This strategy uses the most effective economic policies and instruments that need to be implemented, through scenarios that show the level of resources that need to be provided for green development investment with the aim of reducing Indonesia's vulnerability to the effects of climate change and the risks of environmental damage and minimizing losses and damage to natural resources due to the development of economic growth.

In line with the national policy framework, WWF actively encourages the implementation of green planning and budgeting by developing an analytical tool called green budget tagging or "Green Budget tagging".

 This tool is a method to see how much planned public budget allocation can be used effectively and efficiently to achieve sustainable development goals.

WWF Indonesia has increased the capacity of regional governments in several priority provinces and districts: Merauke Regency (Papua Province), West Kalimantan Province includes, Melawi Regency, Sintang District, Kapuas Hulu Regency, West Kutai Regency, Mahakam Hulu Regency Wakatobi Regency (Southeast Sulawesi Province ) and East Seram District by conducting training and workshops on Marking Green Budgets. (ab)

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