Strategic Meeting Strengthening Social Forestry Contributions to Indonesia's NDC Targets
Jakarta- In order to catalyze the collaboration of the parties to achieve Indonesia's NDC targets, the Sustainable Madani Foundation organized a Stakeholder Strategic Meeting: Strengthening Social Forestry Contributions to Support the Achievement of Indonesia's NDC Targets, at Century Park Hotel Jakarta, Tuesday (04/23/2019).
The objectives of this one-day meeting are, first, to share the knowledge, experience and learning of the parties regarding environmental management-based social forestry activities that can contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation actions.
Second, get the views of the parties to strengthen social forestry based on environmental management and the development of climate change adaptation and mitigation actions in the area of ??social forestry to support the achievement of Indonesia's NDC targets.
Third, build communication channels for the parties to strengthen social forestry within the framework of achieving Indonesia's NDC targets, and fourth is to map the potential for reducing emissions from social forestry.It should also be noted that social forestry is a strategic program of the government to realize community welfare while preserving the environment.
Social forestry is listed explicitly in Indonesia's National Defined Contribution Document (NDC), as one of the mitigation measures to reduce emissions from the forestry sector (through sustainable forest management).
It is also a step towards adaptation to the effects of climate change (through increasing ecosystem and landscape resilience). In accordance with LHK Regulation Number P.83 / MENLHK / SETJEN / KUM.1 / 10/2016, social forestry is an effort to provide legal access to local communities or customary law communities to improve welfare, balance the environment and the socio-cultural dynamics of the community.
Keynote Speecher in this meeting was Director General of Climate Change Control, Ministry of Environment and Forestry and Director General of Social Forestry and Environmental Partnership, Ministry of Environment and Forestry.
The parties' meeting was also conducted in the form of a panel discussion of two sessions, presenting a number of moderators from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and other competent institutions.Participants in this strategic meeting, aside from the Ministry of LHK and several NGOs in the center, were also invited by representatives of CSOs from various regions in Indonesia who have provided community assistance in the Social Forestry program, one of which is the Bentara Papua Association, together with Greenpeace who assist Management Institutions Village Forest in Sira and Manggroholo Villages, South Sorong Regency, West Papua. (Ab)