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Social Forestry is one of the determinants of NDC targets
24 April 2019 - by Admin

Jakarta - The Social Forestry Program is considered as one of the Government of Indonesia's concrete programs in realizing the NDC (Nationally Determined Contribution) target, to reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 29% by 2030.This was said by the Director General of Social Forestry and Environmental Partnership of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr.Ir. Bambang Supriyanto, M.Sc, when appearing as a speaker at the Stakeholder Strategic Meeting: Strengthening Social Forestry Contribution to Support the Achievement of Indonesia's NDC Targets, at Century Park Hotel Jakarta, Tuesday (04/23/2019).

"There are five sectors that determine to reach the NDC target, namely Land Use Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF), Energy (Include transportation), Waste, Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPPU) and Agriculture," he said at a meeting which was also followed Bentara Papua representative.Of the five sectors, LULUCF became the largest sector contributing, which amounted to 17.2% of the total 29% target set. Well, speaking of LULUCF, the instrument is definitely REDD +.

"Why is there a plus? Because there is a social and economic situation there, so that it is compatible with Social Forestry, "he said.Speaking about REDD Plus, he continued, it includes reducing emissions from deforestation, reducing emissions from forest degradation, conserving forest carbon stocks, sustainable forest management and increasing forest carbon stocks."So all of these (elements included in REDD Plus) can be implemented in 5 Social Forestry Schemes (Village Forests, Community Forests, Community Plantation Forests, Customary Forests and Partnerships) that provide community management rights," Bambang said.

However, Bambang realized that all the schemes could not be carried out and carried out by the KLHK themselves, but needed cross-sector cooperation, especially in realizing the expected implementation of Social Forestry at the site level.Bambang then gave an example of the practice of Social Forestry conducted by the Wono Lestari Forest Village Community Institute (LMDH), Burno Village, Senduro District, Lumajang Regency.

Which village is located in the mountainous area on the slopes of Mount Semeru successfully collaborating sengon timber business, cattle farms, banana kirana, elephant grass, taro and others in an economic cycle, which provides welfare for 367 members in a 940 hectare forest area that.According to Bambang, this is where the importance of the companion role to facilitate connecting the potential of the community with various parties. So that the potential possessed by the people can be managed from upstream to downstream well and smoothly, and the most important thing is to make the citizens independent and prosperous.

"People are confused if they talk about carbon trade. Mending is a matter of being beyond carbon, as was done by the citizens of Burno. You can also see the link on Youtube, "Bambang said cheerfully. (Ab)

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