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Fourteen Years Fighting Against Garbage
21 February 2019 - by Nurhani Widiastuti

At the beginning of 2019, we in West Papua were shocked by the announcement of KLHK that Sorong City was included in the list of the dirtiest cities in the medium city category and Waisai was included in the dirtiest city in the small town category. It is ironic considering that in October 2018 West Papua Province has just declared itself a Sustainable Province, which of course is not merely a matter of protecting forests and protecting biodiversity in Papua. For the Government and the people of Raja Ampat Regency itself, the title seems to injure the good name of the district which has been known as an international tourist destination because of its natural beauty and marine tourism.

Fourteen years after the launching of the National Waste Care Day in 2005, many efforts have been made by various parties, various activities to clean up garbage continue to be encouraged, but the facts about our waste production from year to year do not also indicate a decrease in numbers. In 2018, KLHK said that national waste production reached around 65.8 million tons per year, of which 16 percent was plastic waste, which in 2011 plastic waste only accounted for 11 percent of total waste. It is estimated that plastic waste production increases every year.

On the other hand, KLHK data (2008) states that the waste produced in Indonesia is still dominated by household waste. Household waste has a percentage of 44.5% of total waste in Indonesia. Environmental Statistics (2018) provides information that most of the waste produced in urban areas is organic waste originating from settlements. Based on these data, many components then move to fight waste from the family level.

This movement invites citizens, especially women, to recycle waste into other material that has economic value and develops waste banks. But recycling is not enough. Consumption pressure and meeting needs have caused waste production to continue to increase. No matter how strong people try to do a plastic diet, if the products and packaging of various needs are still in the form of disposable (non-durable and non-reusable) materials, then fighting against garbage, especially plastic waste, is like a longing to miss the moon.

Back in the Sustainable Province, it is hoped that there will be special policies related to waste that can be immediately encouraged and contribute to the achievement of the goals of the Sustainable Development Goals, namely responsible production and consumption. The policy is certainly not solely on the issue of dealing with waste that has been produced due to consumption, but also about efforts to produce products that are environmentally friendly, fair to society and the environment. *)

Author : Nurhani Widiastuti

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