Aside from being a Safety Hub, This Study Must Be Able to Realize Environmental Sovereignty in the Land of Papua
This is the remarks of the Director of Regional and Sector Policy Environmental Impact Prevention (PDLKWS) of the Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Erik Teguh Primiantoro, S.Hut, MES at the opening of the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Study of the Papua Environmental Support in the Papua Ecoregion In the Framework of Papua Development Safety Policy ...
The Government of the Republic of Indonesia through the Minister of Bappenas on various occasions has committed to placing or integrating low carbon development plans in various future RPJM concepts. So the RPJM 2020 and 2024, one of its commitments is how to integrate low-carbon development.
With this integration, all national and regional development processes, especially in Papua, must be able to increase economic growth while maintaining all assets of natural resources and the environment and generating added value together with opportunities for development and economic transformation in Papua.
On various occasions, it was also mentioned that one of the basic pillars of Law Carbon Development is to place carrying capacity as a priority that must be considered. Bappenas on every occasion and in all places always says this.Because carrying capacity is the basis for low development, collaboration between various development planners of environmental practitioners becomes important and must be built immediately.
In connection with this, the Royal Norwegian Government, in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Forestry through the REDD Plus Infrastructure program, made this study.The Papua Environmental Capacity Support Study itself, along with the balance of natural resources and the environment, must be utilized in order to provide information that is important for the low carbon development process in Papua.
From the results of the study, there is some information that can be used, related to the issue of carrying capacity of water, the carrying capacity of food and also how population pressure on land to produce food and various trends in changes in environmental services will occur in Papua in the future.
Therefore, all information from the results of the study is expected to not only stop the study, but must be integrated, utilized to be able to influence all kinds of development processes in Papua, from the planning stage to the implementation stage. So that all low-carbon development processes can be carried out in a measurable and accountable manner.
The challenges ahead, how can we integrate the results of this study to be able to color, strengthen safe guard in each PPP (Policy, Plan or Program) in Papua. Starting from the RPJMD, Spatial Planning and detailed plans.
Another challenge, this study can ideally be supported by a balance sheet of natural resources and the environment, which not only contains data related to assets physically, but also in monetary terms.
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has helped Bappenas calculate the balance of natural resources for Sumatra and Papua. Related to peat, land and water. That information can be used to support the decision making process.When we talk about the environment, we do not rush to talk about romanticism, but we talk about value added, the value of the rupiah from that count.
To be able to integrate the results of the study of carrying capacity and balance sheet, then in the future there are several infrastructures that need to be built. One of them is based on the results of this study, whether this study already has related to the regulatory framework.
Does the existing regulatory framework allow for space to integrate the results of studies into various PPPs. If it does not exist, we must provide reinforcement from the legal aspect.From the technical aspects of how we can integrate the results of this study into various development methods.
No less important, strengthening institutions and human resources in the regions is very important. So that friends in the area can understand the results of the study. After understanding, it is expected to be able to streamline the results of the study into the development process in the area.
Do not let the results of the study stop at the table, but can be transformed into local practices in the area.Coordination, Networking also becomes very important. The results of this study can also foster the role of the community that it is indeed important for the protection of indigenous Papuans from the Papuan people in the future.
Not only spatial aspects and attribute data, but how this data can also be accessed, and utilized by friends in the area. Strengthening the information system is very important. Updating also becomes very important, don't let the review finish, then leave it, not updated again. This can be a problem.
Data from this study provide pretty good information. Future funding mechanisms must also be considered. We must provide space for funding so that the results of the study can be practiced at the local level.We hope that all parties, governments and communities, experts and practitioners can collaborate to strengthen the infrastructure we mentioned earlier.
So that the results of this study can be utilized in realizing low carbon sovereignty in Papua and realizing environmental sovereignty.How can we realize Environmental Sovereignty in Papua, which means that good and healthy conditions can be created, Papuans and indigenous Papuans can progress and prosper.
As a safety valve for the development process in Papua for the welfare of Papuans and Indigenous Papuans while maintaining and ensuring the function of environmental preservation in the Land of Papua.Do not let the song Tanah Papua only be limited to songs, but there is no form in the field. This study is expected to be a model for similar studies in several places.
And the model for integrating the results of the study with various Environmental Protection and Management Plans (RPPLH), Spatial Planning, RPJMD. The tools in the future can use the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA). It could be a reference for coloring for the planning process at the site level. *)
This speech was then recorded and rewritten by Alberth Yomo, a FGD participant from the Bentara Papua Association, Manokwari.