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Province of Sustainable Development To Make the World Better
07 February 2020 - by Ab Yomo
Governor: Our main task is to leave springs to our children and grandchildren, not to inherit tears from them on the contrary.
Manokwari (01/23/2020), - Governor of West Papua, Drs.Dominggus Mandacan in his written address read by the Regional Secretary of West Papua Province, Drs. Nataniel Mandacan said on October 19, 2015 the West Papua Provincial Government together with the Regency or City Government had declared itself a Conservation Province.
"This idea was born to protect and manage natural resources in a sustainable way which is the basis of development in order to improve the welfare of the people of West Papua," said the Governor of West Papua before opening the Interactive Talkshow of Sustainable Development between the West Papua Provincial Government and Development Partners, in Manokwari, Thursday (01/23/2020).
The following is a remarks written by the Governor of West Papua read by the Regional Secretary of West Papua Province ...
This idea (the Province of Conservation / Sustainable Development) is the application of the Special Autonomy Law for the Province of Papua in article 36 which says that development is carried out based on the principles of sustainable development, environmental sustainability, benefits and justice, and article 38 paragraph 2 that businesses economic enterprises and the use of natural resources must apply the principles of environmental sustainability and sustainable development.
Much progress has been made in the 4 years since this idea was declared, such as the assertion of the West Papua Province Perdasus, the ratification of the West Papua Province Perdasus as the Province of Sustainable Development and the Implementation of the International Conference on Biodiversity Ecotourism and Creative Economy (ICBE) 2018, the Manokwari Declaration and Teminabuan 2019 Declaration .
Also low carbon development commitments and proposals for the establishment of new conservation areas. In this journey towards sustainable development, many challenges we face, for example how to translate in development programs and operational activities in the field. Especially in important sectors such as forestry, marine, agriculture, food security, spatial planning and others.
For these things requires a lot of parties and coordination across sectors both at the Central Government, Regional Government and the support of the parties. Stakeholders, Customary Leaders, Religious Leaders, leaders of the respective tribal customs so that we can be able to realize the achievement of the ideals of sustainable development in West Papua.
The final goal is to be able to preserve this nature that can be enjoyed by future generations. Because we who are there must be inherited from this nature by our parents. Without them we cannot see things as we see them today.
The Government of West Papua is preparing a strategic plan to accelerate the implementation of the Province of Sustainable Development through directives in accordance with the mandate of the Perdasus Province of Sustainable Development. We sincerely hope that the Manokwari declaration can be adopted into the national development planning system, RPJM Ministries and institutions in support of accelerating the development of sustainable provinces in West Papua.
Regarding this matter, we have held dialogues to the center several times and we openly conveyed it through discussions so that the center can also accommodate what we stand for in order to protect the environment in West Papua.
The West Papua Regional Government through the Balitbangda has begun with coordinating efforts from the central level to implement these ideas. But of course it still requires in-depth discussion and further coordination to get advice and input from the Central Government and also from us in the regions.
In this case the relevant Ministries and Institutions in the regions who are aware of environmental developments in our area can prepare concrete steps to accelerate the implementation of a sustainable province.
I want to underline that what we are currently doing in West Papua is none other than to make this world better for our children and grandchildren in the future. Because in the scriptures that we believe God has commanded us to preserve, manage and account for what has been done at the end of each person's life.
Therefore the local government begs the support of all parties in protecting our nature.
Keywords from me; we cannot live healthy on a sick planet, for that we must work together to make our planet better. Our main task is to inherit springs for our children and grandchildren, not to inherit tears from them in their time. West Papua will be an inspiration and an example for the world and it starts with us today. *)
Written by: Ab Yomo
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