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Bentara Papua Holds Capacity Building Training in Sira Village
23 November 2018 - by Dhefan

Bentara News, - In order to improve the skills and capacity of the Sira and Manggroholo Village Forest Management Institution (LPHD) administrators, Saifi District, South Sorong Regency, the Bentara Papua Association and Greenpeace Indonesia held a capacity building training at Kna Mandiri Cooperative in Sira Village, Tuesday (11/20/2018) .

The goal is for LPHD administrators to discuss the RKHD (Village Forest Work Plan) document, build the concept and process of monitoring the Village Forest (HD) area and the potential of natural resources (SDA). In addition, to increase the knowledge of local youth in developing HD for efforts to fight for the rescue of land and natural resources in Sira and Manggroholo villages.

The program manager for the Bentara Papua Association, Yanuarius Anouw, when opening the activity expressed his gratitude to all the people who came from the villages of Manggroholo, Sira, Mlaswat and Kwowok for their attendance and participation in the activity. Yanu hopes that this activity can provide knowledge and benefits for participating citizens, so that it can have an impact on village forest management.

The enthusiasm of the participants was very good when the facilitators opened their minds by dividing into 3 groups for games which meant there was coordination within an organization. After that they were asked by Fajri who was the facilitator to write 1 sentence what they wanted to study for 3 days. Conclusion of all there are 3 things they want to learn, namely organization, LPHD and forest management.

According to their theme not only learning organizational management but managing time, so for the first day at 14.00-16.00 learn about Organization, the second day 09.00-16.00 WIT about LPHD and the third day with the same time learning about forest management and follow-up plans for Village Forest Manggroholo and Sira.

 "Today's material is very good because helping us in the future for the village of Manggroholo can manage its potential in the village forest," said Markus Kladit, Chair of the Mangroholo LPHD. He also hopes that in the future they will not only manage non-timber products such as rattan but other potentials will reach the name of business.

The Chairperson of the LPHD Sira Alfred Kladit said that this activity was very good because it built their capacity and understood the main tasks and functions of the LPHD itself, he also admitted that they were very serious and would participate for the next 2 days.
The same thing was said by other youth. "Through this activity, I can understand what the organization is and understand more about village forests," said Yulius Srefle, one of the youths who owns the village forest.

There were also women who participated in this activity and admitted that this activity opened their horizons. "The material on the first day can open up my insights and the community about the importance of understanding what functions and tasks are in an organization," said Monika Sesa, a young woman from Sira village, after the activity on the first day. (Dhefan)

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