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Papua Green Sound and Culture 2022
01 September 2022 - 15 October 2022

Hello... Bentara Lovers

This year the 3rd Papua Green Sound & Culture (PGSC) is coming soon. Let's voice the nature of Papua with the best songs and videos by sending to the link:

1st place : Rp. 8,000,000 + Trophy + Certificate
2nd Place : Rp. 6,000,000 + Trophy + Certificate
3rd place : Rp. 4,000,000 + Trophy + Certificate
4th place: Rp. 2,500,000 + Certificates
5th place : Rp. 1,500,000+ Certificates
Favorite Champion : Rp. 2,500,000 + Trophy + Certificate

With the following
1. Polite, not offensive to SARA, does not contain elements of political practical and Pornography
2. Open to the public for the people of Papua Province and Papua West or KTP domiciled in the two provinces.
3. Compulsory songs about nature and Papuan culture
4. Solo, Duo/Group
5. Organic work and has never been published
6. Do not use accessories directly from nature (example: Cendrawasi birds, collapsing, etc.).
7. Song work in MP4 video format
8. With a maximum resolution of 1080p
9. If the song is in a regional language, it is mandatory to attach text translation in Indonesian
10. Sending registration documents and 1 work via
11. For further information, see or call 08114864692

Come on, stop by and subscribe to YouTube Papua Green Sound and Culture

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Rumah Bentara Papua
Jalan Asrama Jayapura, Manggoapi Dalam, Angkasa Mulyono-Amban Manokwari - Papua Barat Indonesia, 98314

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