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Grants for innovation in guarding the forests of Papua
17 October 2018 -

Technical Competition for Higher Education Forest Keeping Grants

  1. Title of Good Final Project PKL / SKRIPSI related to forest protection, forest management and Papua Forest
  2. The final project of the PKL / SKRIPSI will be selected by a jury from UNIPA academics and Bentara Papua
  3. Limits on the sending of the final task on November 12.
  4. November 15 th final assignment presentation
  5. November 21 (Tree Day) announcement of winners as well as receipt of Grants for Higher Education Forest Keeping Competition.
  6. List the contact number that can be contacted
  7. Final Project can be sent to e-mail address:
  8. For complete information, you can visit Pondok Bentara Papua (Jl. Mangoapi in the amban village, next to Pondok Kopi Matoa)

Poster Hibah Inovasi Jaga Hutan Papua :

081240178570 - Naomi
08114864692 - Bentara Papua Office

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Jalan Asrama Jayapura, Manggoapi Dalam, Angkasa Mulyono-Amban Manokwari - Papua Barat Indonesia, 98314

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