Work With Us
Papua Green Sound and Culture 2020
03 June 2020 -

Bentara Papua will again hold the 2nd Papua Green Sound and Culture.

This time the theme is Music from Home for Papua Nature and Culture.

Participants are expected to be able to compose songs and sing them alone or with a group, from home alone.

The conditions can be seen below:

- Polite, does not offend SARA, Politics and Pornography
- Open to the public
- Solo, Duo / Group
- Original and unpublished works
- Works songs in MP4 video format with a minimum resolution of 720p
- If the song uses the local language, you must attach the translated text in Indonesian
- Send registration documents and 1 work via

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Rumah Bentara Papua
Jalan Asrama Jayapura, Manggoapi Dalam, Angkasa Mulyono-Amban Manokwari - Papua Barat Indonesia, 98314

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